This is a guest blog by MIT graduate and former MIT App Inventor team member Aubrey Colter
In May 2015, I went to Oakland, CA, to teach an App Inventor workshop to a group of students at Youth Radio. I wanted to teach them about Application Program Interfaces (APIs) to give them a glimpse of how they could extend their apps beyond the available App Inventor components. APIs allow you to access data available on a variety of different sites, such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. These days, most APIs require the programmer to authenticate in some way (usually with a login or token). I knew that setting up the necessary credentials for using an API would take most of our time together. Instead, I decided to search for APIs that did not require authentication.
That was how I found the iTunes API. It felt like it had potential to be part of a fun tutorial, so I began searching through the documentation. The first draft of my app called the iTunes API and retrieved information from the database about a musician. However, I knew that the young programmers I would be working with would be uninterested and bored. They could get the same information by reading Wikipedia. It also didnt showcase any of the smartphones capabilities. So I kept searching, until I found the 30-second preview clip API endpoint. When I realized that the App Inventor Sound component could play sound clips from links, I knew I had a great app. I built my app with a very simple interface -- just a search box and a button. Once the button is clicked, the search terms are parsed and sent to the iTunes servers, which returns a list of the artists songs 30-second preview clips. I picked the first one and played it, and I knew that I had something fun.
I took my app to Youth Radio for our workshop, and the programmers had a good time learning about APIs. As Ive iterated on the app for other workshops and open houses for both youth and teachers, everyone has always been so surprised. I love that delight moment! Students are always shocked that my phone can pull up a song by any artist they like (Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber are the favorites).