Release Notes for MIT App Inventor 2

Release Notes for MIT App Inventor 2

Changes in MIT App Inventor 2 are documented on this page. Note: Versions that end with a letter (for example: nb117c) are bugfix releases.

Changes between nb200a and nb200b (January 25, 2025)

This is a non-component bugfix release.


Changes between nb200 and nb200a (January 22, 2025)

This is a non-component bugfix release.


Changes between nb199a and nb200 (January 17, 2025)

This is a Component Release to fix an issue loading multiple extensions on Android versions prior to Android 14.

The bulk of the update is dedicated to updating the block editor environment with a newer version of Google Blockly.


Bug fixes:

Internal improvements:

Changes between nb199 and nb199a (December 4, 2024)

This is a Component Release. It is primarily a bugfix release. There is a new Android Companion, version 2.73a available in the Google Play Store and version 2.73au for direct download from

Changes between nb198 and nb199 (November 17, 2024)

This is a Component Release.

This release focuses on updating the Android Companion app and its underlying framework. A new version, 2.73, is now available for download from both the Google Play Store and directly from (version 2.73u).


Changes between nb197d and nb198 (August 18, 2024)

This is a Component Release.

This release focuses on updating the Android Companion app and its underlying framework. A new version, 2.72, is now available for download from both the Google Play Store and directly from (version 2.72u).

The key change in this release is upgrading the Android SDK target to 34, which aligns with Android version 14. This update is essential as it will be mandatory for adding or updating apps on the Google Play Store after August 31, 2024.

Changes between nb197 and nb197d (August 6, 2024)

Releases nb197a - nb197d are a series of bugfix releases.

Changes between nb196 and nb197 (July 7, 2024)

This is a component release which includes bugfixes and improvements. It includes a new Android MIT AI2 Companion versions 2.71 (from Google Play) and 2.71u (directly downloaded from MIT App Inventor).


Bug Fixes:

Internal Changes:

Changes between nb195e and nb196 (February 19, 2024)

This is a component release which includes bugfixes and improvements. It includes a new Android MIT AI2 Companion, versions 2.70 (From Google Play) or 2.70u (directly downloaded from MIT App Inventor).


Bug Fixes:

Internal Changes:

Changes between nb195c and nb195e (January 27, 2024)

This is another bugfix release.

Changes between nb195a and nb195c (January 19, 2024)

This release is mostly a bugfix release. We also updated our server side run-time to use Java 11 instead of Java 8, as required by Google for the App Engine environment that we use.

This change should not have any impact on MIT App Inventor programmers.

Changes between nb195 and nb195a (November 27, 2023)

This is a minor bugfix release.

Changes between nb194c and nb195 (November 26, 2023)

This is a component release which includes bugfixes and improvements. It includes a new Android MIT AI2 Companion, versions 2.69 (From Google Play) or 2.69u (directly downloaded from MIT App Inventor).



For Developers:

Other internal changes:

Changes between nb194b and nb194c (September 14, 2023)

This is a bugfix release.


Changes between nb194 and nb194b (September 4, 2023)

This is a bugfix release.


Changes between nb193 and nb194 (August 29, 2023)

This is a Component Release with a new Companion, version 2.68 (Android). If you side-load the Android version of the MIT website, the version will be 2.68u.

Here are the changes for this release:

Internal fixes:

Changes between nb192 and nb193 (June 18, 2023)

This is a Component Release with a new Companion, version 2.67 (Android) or version 2.64.2 (iOS). If you side-load the Android version from the MIT website, the version will be 2.67u. Platform-specific changes are indicated using square brackets.


Bug fixes:

Internal changes:

Changes between nb191 and nb192 (March 21, 2023)

This is a bugfix release. The Companion in the Play Store remains version 2.66. However, if you download the companion from the server itself (aka side load), it is version 2.66au, which contains the Bluetooth permission change.


Changes between nb191 and nb190a (February 17, 2023)

This is a Component Release with a new Companion, version 2.66. Companion version 2.64+ should continue to work, but will not work with projects that use new features.


Bug fixes:

Internal changes:

Changes between nb190 and nb190a (September 29, 2022)

This is a simple bugfix release. No new Companion is needed

Changes between nb189b and nb190 (September 22, 2022)

This is a Component Release with a new Companion, version 2.65. Companion version 2.64 should continue to work, but will not work with projects that use new features.


Changes between nb189a and nb189b (September 1, 2022)

This is a non-component release.

Changes between nb189 and nb189a (June 19, 2022)

This is a minor bugfix release. No new Companion is provided nor required.

Bug Fixes:

Changes between nb188a and nb189 (June 8, 2022)

This is a component release with a new Companion, Version 2.63. Like most component releases, older Companions should continue to work, but new features will not work with older Companions.


Coming Soon:

Bug Fixes:

Changes between nb187d and nb188 (November 11, 2021)

This is a Component release with a new Companion, version 2.62. Like most component releases, older Companions should continue to work, but new features will not work with older Companions.


Bug fixes:


Changes between nb187c and nb187d (September 28, 2021)

Chrome 94 breaks our “Legacy Mode” Companion connection. This change includes a special header, specific to MIT App Inventor, that permits Chrome 94 to permit Legacy Mode connections. This is a temporary fix, as Google will break this change around May. Hopefully we will have a more permanent fix before then.

Changes between nb187b and nb187c (September 3, 2021)

This is a bugfix release

Changes between nb187a and nb187b (August 25, 2021)

This is a bugfix release.

Changes between nb187 and nb187a (August 23, 2021)

This is a bugfix release.

Changes between nb186a and nb187 (August 22, 2021)

This is a Component Release. As such, there is a new Companion (version 2.61 and 2.61u). As is always the case with a Component Release, the previous Companion (2.60) should work fine with this release, however new features will not work and require the updated Companion.

If you downloaded your Companion from the Google Play Store and have automatic update enabled (the default) you should receive the new Companion automatically. If you side-loaded the Companion, you can obtain the new version from the Help->Companion Information menu. It will give you a barcode which you can scan to download the new Companion with either a Barcode Scanning application, or just using the existing Companion.

You can watch a video that describes some of the new features!



Internal changes (of interest to developers of MIT App Inventor and extension authors):

Changes between nb186 and nb186a (November 17, 2020)

This is a bugfix release that resolved an issue that would arise if people double-clicked the “Publish to Gallery” button instead of single-clicking it.

Changes between nb185a and nb186 (November 14, 2020)

nb186 is a non-component release. There is no new Companion app. The most noticeable change is the introduction of the new MIT App Inventor Gallery. You can read more about the new gallery at Gallery Introduction.


Changes between nb185 and nb185a (September 2, 2020)

nb185a is a non-component bugfix release.


Changes between nb184a and nb185 (September 1, 2020)

nb185 is a Component Release. There is a new Companion, version 2.60 available both from the site and from the Google Play Store. Most people who downloaded from the Play Store should receive an update automatically.



Changes between nb184 and nb184a (August 23, 2020)

nb184a is a non-component release. There is no new Companion for this release.


Internal Fixes:

Changes between nb183c and nb184 (July 30, 2020)

Nb184 is a component release, which means it includes a new companion, version 2.59. This release provides support for Apps to run on Android Q (SDK 29), which is required by all new Apps submitted to the Play Store as of August 1st, 2020 and all updated Apps submitted to the Play Store by November 1st, 2020 per Google policy. This update also includes the following changes:


Bug Fixes:

Internal Fixes:

Changes between nb183b and nb183c (April 14, 2020)

This is a non-component bugfix release. There is no new Companion.

Changes between nb183a and nb183b (April 13, 2020)

This is a non-component[*] bugfix release. There is no new Companion.

Changes between nb183 and nb183a (April 10, 2020)

This is a Component bugfix Release. There is a new Companion, version 2.58a. It is only required if you wish to use the ApiKey property of the YandexTranslate Component (first item on the list below).

Update 04/11/2020: The 2.58a Companion is now available via Google Play

As of today (April 10, 2020) Companion 2.58a is still being reviewed by Google and is not yet available from the Google Play Store. However it is only needed for the `ApiKey` property of the YandexTranslate Component. Very few people need to modify this property because MIT App Inventor has a builtin key.

Like the last release many of the changes are from open source contributors. They are recognized by the GitHub usernames. The MIT App Inventor team is extremely grateful for their efforts and contributions.

Changes between nb182b and nb183 (March 28, 2020)

This is a Component Release. There is a new Companion, version 2.58 which is required if you wish to use the new features introduced in this release. Older Companions will continue to work for features from prior releases.

Many of the changes are from open source contributors. They are recognized by the GitHub usernames. The MIT App Inventor team is extremely grateful for their efforts and contributions.

New Features

Bug Fixes

Other Changes

There were also some internal changes that are specifically of interest for open source contributors and extension authors and do not affect App Inventor’s behavior:

Webviewer JS Evaluate example:

Example Block 1

Example Block 2

Changes between nb182a and nb182b (February 18, 2020)

This is a bugfix component release. There is a new Companion, version 2.57b. Version 2.57a will continue to work, but without the fixes below.

Changes between nb182 and nb182a (February 5, 2020)

This is a bugfix component release. nb182 introduced a problem with the CloudDB and FirebaseDB components. It includes a new Companion, version 2.57a (from Google Play) or version 2.57au (from the site for direct loading). Be sure to update your Companion.

If you packaged any apps that use FirebaseDB or CloudDB while we were running release nb182 (pretty much from February 2 through today) you will want to re-package them.

Changes between nb181c and nb182 (February 3, 2020)

This is a Component Release, which means that there is a new MIT AI2 Companion, version(s) 2.57 (and 2.57u). The older Companion will work as long as none of the new features below are attempted. Version 2.57 is available both on the server and via the Google Play Store.

Changes between nb181b and nb181c (January 12, 2020)

This is a non-component release with system improvements and bugfixes. There is no new Companion.

MIT App Inventor version nb181c includes the following changes from nb181b:

Changes between nb181a and nb181b (December 21, 2019)

This is a bugfix release.

Changes between nb181 and nb181a (December 20, 2019)

This is a bugfix and documentation update release.

Changes between nb180a and nb181 (December 19, 2019)

This is a Component Release with a new version of the MIT AI2 Companion app, version 2.56 (and 2.56u). The current Companion (2.55) will work, but you will need the newer version to use new features.

If you downloaded the Companion from the Google Play Store, you should get the update automatically.

Changes between nb180 and nb180a (November 26, 2019)

This is a “non-component” release. As such there is no need for an updated MIT AI2 Companion.

Changes between nb179 and nb180 (September 27, 2019)

This is a “non-component” release. As such there is no need for an updated MIT AI2 Companion.

Changes between nb178b and nb179 (August 24, 2019)

This is a “component” release. There is a new MIT AI2 Companion, version 2.55 (and 2.55u). However if you are not auto-updating and are not effected by the VideoPlayer and WebViewer rendering bug, you may continue to use the previous companion.

Changes between nb178a and nb178b (August 12, 2019)

Changes between nb178 and nb178a (August 1, 2019)

This is a bugfix release that updates the Emulator.apk included to fix an issue that prevented it from being installed.

Changes between nb177 and nb178 (July 30, 2019)

This is a Component Release which includes a new Companion, version 2.54 (and version 2.54u if downloaded directly from

Changes between nb176 an nb177 (May 25, 2019)

Note: This is mostly a bugfix release. There is a new Companion, version 2.53 (and version 2.53u if downloaded directly from

Companion Upgrade is encouraged, particularly if you are experiencing poor connectivity with your PC. It includes significant improvements with how we use WebRTC to commmunicate between the Companion and your PC (WebRTC is the technology used if “Legacy Mode” is not selected).

Changes between nb175b to nb176 (May 10, 2019)

Note: This is a Component Release with a new Companion. There are actually two different Companions for this release. Version 2.52 which is available from Google Play. Version 2.52u is directly downloadable from (Help->Companion Information). The 2.52 version implements some restrictions mandated by Google. These restrictions are not present in version 2.52u.

More information about this release can be found on this detail page.

Changes between nb175a and nb175b (March 3, 2019)

Changes between nb175 and nb175a (March 2, 2019)

This is a bugfix release, primarily to resolve an issue with using Map tiles. There is an updated Companion, version 2.51a (and 2.51au, see note below).

A note on Companion versions.

Google now limits some permissions in the Google Play Store. Companion version 2.51a is available via Google Play. With this version of the Companion the “MakePhoneCallDirect” block (PhoneCall Component) and the “SendMessageDirect” block (Texting Component) will generate a permission error and will not work.

Companion version 2.51au can be directly downloaded from (Help->Companion Information). This version has the necessary permissions for the “Direct” versions of the blocks to operate.

Note: If you use the Direct blocks in a packaged application, it will not be accepted into the Google Play Store without special permission, which is not likely to be granted. More information is available in the Play Store’s publishing dashboard.

We are working on a solution for the future that will not require two separate versions of the Companion while still abiding by the rules of the Google Play Store. However it is not yet ready.

Changes between nb174 and nb175 (February 7, 2019)

This is a Component Release. You should use MIT AI2 Companion version 2.51, available directly via the Help->Companion Information menu option and from the Google Play Store. Earlier versions should also work, but new features require the newer version.

New functionality

We implemented conditional permissions for Texting and PhoneCall components so apps built with MIT App Inventor will be compliant with new Google Play Store policies. By default, apps using the Texting and PhoneCall components will now launch the device’s default texting and dialer apps. Most app inventors will be able to continue using the existing blocks for their apps.

If you want to build apps that respond to SMS or phone calls, or directly initiate a text or call, you may do so. To send a message or start a call, use the SendMessageDirect and MakePhoneCallDirect blocks, respectively. Receiving texts and calls continues to behave as it did. However, apps built with these behaviors will trigger additional review when being submitted to Google Play.

We implemented default handling for the Map.GotFeatures and Map.LoadError events. For GotFeatures, the default behavior will be to create features and populate the Map with them. For LoadError, the Screen’s ErrorOccurred event will be run if defined, otherwise a toast will be shown.

NOTE: The MIT AI2 Companion distributed through the Google Play Store cannot use the SendMessageDirect or MakePhoneCallDirect blocks. Attempting to use them will result in a permission error. This is due to restrictions imposed by Google (see paragraph above about changes in Google Policies). If you download the Companion directly from the MIT App Inventor system (via the “Help->Companion Information” Menu option) you will get a version that does work with the “Direct” blocks.

Documentation improvements

Fixed issues with some Help menu items being disabled Added documentation to combine date and time information from DatePicker and TimePicker. Made miscellaneous improvements to the documentation based on feedback.

FustionTables Deprecated

We have deprecated the FusiontablesControl component due to Google’s planned shutdown of Fusiontables in December 2019.


Fixed an issue with new connection method not working in Safari 11+ We added a progress bar to report connection status.

Bug fixes

Changes between nb174 and nb173 (January 6, 2019)

Note: This is a Component Release. Use MIT AI2 Companion version 2.50.

Changes between nb173 and nb172 (December 15, 2018)

This is a bugfix release.

Changes between nb172 and nb171 (December 1, 2018)

Major changes:

Bug fixes:

Changes between nb170 and nb171 (October 21, 2018)

Changes between nb169 and nb170 (July 31, 2018)

Changes between nb168 and nb169 (July 11, 2018)

Changes between nb167 and nb168 (May 31, 2018)

This is a non-component maintenance release. It re-engineers how the buildservers (which package applications) are managed. In particular you should no longer see the build progress bar go backwards (which was a bug, now fixed).

Changes between nb166 and nb167 (April 24, 2018)

This is a non-component release. No new Companion is needed.

Changes between nb165 and nb166 (January 24, 2018)

This is a bugfix release. It does contain new components, but no new Companion is needed. However any app packaged with this release will be packaged with updated components.

Changes between nb164a and nb165 (January 8, 2018)

This is a Component Release. There is a new Companion, version 2.46. Version 2.45 should work if you do not use Themes, but we recommend updating.

Changes between nb164 and nb164a (January 4, 2018)

Changes between nb163 and nb164 (Decmeber 27, 2017)

This is a component release, a new Companion (version 2.45) contains the changes for this release. Older Companion Apps may work, but new features will not work and other issues may be encountered. We recommend updating to the latest Companion as soon as possible. Companions downloaded from the Google App Store should auto-update.

Starting with this release, MIT App Inventor will require Android version 2.1 or higher. We believe that there are only a very small number of devices in use today that have software older than this. Version 2.1 was released in 2009 and has been unsupported by Google for several years.

Changes between nb162 and nb163 (November 19, 2017)

This is a non-component release

Changes between nb161 and nb162 (August 23, 2017)

This is a non-component release consisting of bugfixes.

Changes between nb160 and nb161 (August 11, 2017)

Note: This is not a component release, but there is a new Companion with our new MIT App Inventor logo.

Changes between nb159 and nb160 (July 7, 2017)

Changes between nb158 and nb159 (July 3, 2017)

Note: This is a component release. There is a new Companion, version 2.43. Updating is recommended but not required.

Changes between nb157 and nb158 (June 14, 2017)

Note: This is a component release. You should upgrade your copy of the MIT AI2 Companion to version 2.42. Google Play will auto-update your Companion if you downloaded it from the Google Play Store. Otherwise you can use the “Help->Update The Companion” Menu option.

Changes between nb156c and nb157 (June 6, 2017)

Changes between nb156b and nb156c (May 31, 2017)

Changes between nb156 and nb156b (May 29, 2017)

Changes between nb155 and nb156 (May 25, 2017)

This is a non-component release, however it is a significant release because of a major upgrade to the Blocks Editor.

  1. Added the ability to zoom the workspace in/out. Zooming gestures include:
    1. Click the +/- buttons in the lower left corner above the trashcan.
    2. Ctrl+Mouse wheel on a mouse.
    3. Multi-touch trackpad users with Chrome, zooming can also be done with the pinch/expand gesture.
  2. Added the ability to pan the workspace. Panning gestures include:
    1. Mouse wheel up/down will pan the view vertical.
    2. Wheels with 2-dimensional scrolling can also pan left/right.
    3. Multi-touch trackpad users can pan in two dimensions using two-finger scrolling.
  3. Added Reset to center button will set the zoom back to 1:1 and move to the center of the blocks workspace.
  4. Added workspace grid. Right-clicking (Ctrl+Click on Mac) on the workspace brings up a context menu with “Enable Workspace Grid” option. This option is a user setting and will persist across workspaces and across App Inventor sessions.
  5. Added workspace snapping. If the grid is enabled, another menu option “Enable Snap to Grid” will be available. Enabling this option will make the top-left corner of blocks snap to the nearest grid point. This option is a user setting and will persist across workspaces and across App Inventor sessions.

Changes between nb154a and nb155 (March 5, 2017)

Changes between nb154 and nb154a (February 15, 2017)

Note: This is a non-component release. No new Companion is required.

Changes between nb153 and nb154 (January 27, 2017)

Changes between nb152b and nb153 (November 23, 2016)

Changes between nb152a and nb152b (November 15, 2016)

Changes between nb152 and nb152a (November 8, 2016)

Changes between nb151a and nb152 (November 7, 2016)

Changes between nb151 and nb151a (September 22, 2016)

Changes between nb150e and nb151 (September 13, 2016)

This is a mostly bugfix release. The most significant:

Note: This is a component release which introduces Companion version 2.39. If you have auto-update enabled in the Google Play Store the update will happen automatically.

If you loaded the Companion manually, you can update the companion by using the Help->Update the Companion menu option while connected.

Updating the Companion is not required with this release.

Changes between nb150d and nb150e (August 27, 2016)

Changes between nb150 and nb150d (August 23, 2016)

Changes between nb149 and nb150 (July 26, 2016)

Note: This is a component release. The new Companion is version 2.38 available directly from MIT App Inventor or via the Google Play Store. However if you do not use the Scrollable Horizontal and Vertical arrangements, you can continue to use the old Companion (version 2.37). If you have a Companion older than version 2.37, you will be prompted to auto-update your Companion.

Changes between nb148 and nb149 (June 15, 2016)

Update to Firebase: Add New Blocks:

Firebase remains an experimental feature.

App Inventor Extensions

This is the first public release of MIT App Inventor that supports “extension” components written by users in Java. Extensions are built using the App Inventor sources and are packaged into “.aix” files. “.aix” files can then be added to projects to add functionality.


Currently only non-visible components may be added. Apps with extensions loaded may not be uploaded to the App Inventor Gallery

New Components


New BluetoothLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Component: This component is actually our first official release of an MIT App Inventor supported extension. It is available for download from the following site. MIT App Inventor Extensions.

This extension supports a new protocol similar to classic Bluetooth except that it is designed to consume less power while maintaining comparable functionality. For this reason, Bluetooth LE is the preferred choice of communication with IoT (Internet of Things) devices that have limited power resources. We are currently in the process of creating a new page on our website that will provide documention, tutorials and other materials to help use and understand the new possibilities that this new component. A draft of this page can be found here: BluetoothLE Documentation and Resources


New Pedometer Component: This component uses the accelerometer to determine the number of steps taken while walking with a device.

Components to support LEGO Mindstorms® EV3 Robots


Changes between nb148 and nb148a (April 25, 2016)

Changes between nb147e and nb148 (April 24, 2016)

Changes between nb147d and nb147e (April 22, 2016)

Changes between nb147c and nb147c/d (April 20, 2016)

Changes between nb147a and nb147b (April 20, 2016)

Changes between nb147 and nb147a (March 15, 2016)

Changes between nb146k and nb147 (February 18, 2016)

NOTE: This is a component release which will have a new Companion to take advantage of new features. The older Companion should still function, but not everything will work correctly.

Changes between nb146j and nb146k (January 8, 2016)

Changes between nb146i and nb146j (December 11, 2015)

Changes between nb146h and nb146i (December 1, 2015)

Changes between nb146g and nb146h (November 19, 2015)

Changes between nb146f and nb146g (October 23, 2015)

Changes between nb146 and nb146f (October 18, 2015)

Changes between nb145i and nb146 (September 30, 2015)

Changes between nb145g and nb145i (September 11, 2015)

Changes between nb145f and nb145g (September 2, 2015)

Changes between nb145e and nb145f (August 27, 2015)

Changes between nb145d and nb145e (August 24, 2015)

Changes between nb145b and nb145d (August 23, 2015)

Changes between nb145a and nb145b (August 22, 2015)

Changes between nb145 and nb145a (August 18, 2015)

Changes between nb144e and nb145 (August 17, 2015)

Changes between nb144d and nb144e (August 3, 2015)

Changes between nb144b and nb144d (July 26, 2015)

Changes between nb144a and nb144b (July 17, 2015)

Changes between nb144 and nb144a (July 12, 2015)

Changes between nb143i and nb144 (June 30, 2015)

Changes between nb143e and nb143i (June 28, 2015)

Changes between nb143d and nb143e (May 10, 2015)

Changes between nb143 and nb143d (May 1, 2015)

Changes beteen nb142 and nb143 (April 26, 2015)

Changes between nb141 and nb142 (March 29, 2015)

Changes between nb140b and nb141 (March 27, 2015)

Changes between nb140b and nb140c (March 24, 2015)

Changes between nb140a and nb140b (February 22, 2015)

Changes between nb140 and nb140a (February 20, 2015)

This is primarily a bugfix release. No new Companion App is needed. However this release deprecates the 2.23ai2zx1 Companion in the Emulator. People running version 2.23ai2zx1 and earlier will be prompted to auto-update their Companion. Although this step can be skipped, we strongly recommend performing the update. The current Companion is version 2.24.

Changes between nb139 and nb140 (February 11, 2015)

Companion Version to use: 2.24.

Changes between nb138 and nb139 (November 20, 2014)

Companion Version to use: 2.23ai2zx1.

Changes between nb137 and nb138 (October 21, 2014)

Changes between nb136 and nb137 (September 14, 2014)

Companion Version to use: 2.22ai2zx1.

Changes between nb135 and nb136 (September 12, 2014)

Companion Version to use: 2.21ai2zx1.

Changes between nb134b and nb135 (July 5, 2014)

Changes between nb134 and nb134a (June 4, 2014)

Changes between nb133 and nb134 (May 26, 2014)

Changes between nb132 and nb133 (May 18, 2014)

Note: This release adds new components. There is a new Companion (Version 2.18ai2zx1) which is necessary to do incremental development with the new components.

The new Companion is in the Google Play Store and will auto-update if you have that feature turned on.

We are not triggering an auto-update for the emulator. To update the emulator, do a “Hard Reset”. Once you do this the next time you start the emulator it will update its internal copy of the Companion to the latest version.

Changes between nb131 and nb132 (April 11, 2014)

Changes between nb130 and nb131 (March 29, 2014)

Changes between nb129 and nb130 (March 24, 2014)

Changes between nb128 and nb129 (March 19, 2014)

Changes between nb127 and nb128 (March 16, 2014)

Changes between nb126 and nb127 (March 11, 2014)

Changes between nb125 and nb126 (March 10, 2014)

Changes between nb124 and nb125 (March 4, 2014)

Changes between nb123 and nb124 (February 26, 2014)

Changes between nb122 and nb123 (February 12, 2014)

Changes between nb122 and nb121 (February 8, 2014)

Changes between nb120 and nb121 (January 21, 2014)

Changes between nb120 and nb119 (January 17, 2014)

Changes between nb119 and nb118 (January 9, 2014)

Changes between nb118 and nb117 (December 17, 2013)

Changes between nb117 and nb116 (December 3, 2013)

Changes between nb116 and nb115 (November 20, 2013)

Changes between nb115 and nb114 (November 14, 2013)

Changes between nb114 and nb113 (September 12, 2013)

Note: New Companion and Setup Tools are required. The old Companion may work, but new features (see below) will not.

Changes between nb112 and nb113 (August 21, 2013)

All changes in this release are bugfixes. No new Companion is required.

Changes between nb111 and nb112 (August 2, 2013)

Changes between nb110 and nb111 (July 24, 2013)